Fakaalofa lahi atu
Welcome back to Term 3.
This term we will be working on
'Champions who have made a difference' ...
Children will be choosing people from New Zealand who have made a difference towards our society.
We had our first whole school Assembly and our class Whakapono 20 won the Mathletics Award for week.
We also have Jesslyn who won the PRIDE Participation Certificate.
We also Essilor come and check our children's eyes. It was a very organised day with other schools coming to get their children's eyes checked also.
Thank you Whaea Lois for organising such a great thing for our children.
Our children going through the process of checking the levels of sight... A very good process, with the children taking a form home informing their parents they would or would not be initiating another eye test.
Our TERM 3
Curriculum Coverage | Technology - Nature of Technology Health & PE - Healthy Communities & Environments |
Team Themes
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School Vision | We Grow Our People- Whakatipu o matou tangata |
School Theme | Champions make a difference - together! |
Global learning intention(s) in relation to context for learning: | How can we work together to make a difference for others? What does it take to be a champion for change in our community? Who are our local champions? |
Integrated Theme: Encourage | Exploring Encourage theme and integrating it in all curriculum areas: How do we encourage and motivate ourselves and how do we encourage others? What does this look like in the classroom and at our school.
What does Encourage mean? To give support, confidence, or hope to (someone). How can we support others and build confidence in the classroom. |
Key Competencies: | Exploring the key competencies and integrating into all areas.
-Thinking -Relating to others -Understanding symbols language and texts -Managing Self -Participating and Contributing
This terminology needs to be integrated in all learning sessions and experiences.
These are what we will be working on to GROW OUR PEOPLE Thank you for viewing our blog.
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